Serving his community and his patients are Dr. Nasser Ani’s top priorities. He does this by providing patients with the best quality care combined with a respectful, responsive attitude.
“I started my practice in 1990 and have been in the same location for 30 years,” said Dr. Ani. “When you are in the same community for that long and patients keep coming back to you and tell their friends and family about you, I think that says something.”
Another way Dr. Ani serves his patients is by taking a conservative approach to alleviating back and neck pain.
“This simply means that before I discuss surgery with my patients, we will discuss all aspects of nonsurgical approaches,” he explained. “Surgery is never my first option unless it is an emergency situation.”
When surgery is the only option, Dr. Ani will use a minimally invasive technique wherever possible.
“Not every patient is a candidate for minimally invasive surgery because some may have a complex problem that can only be solved through open surgery,” he said. “But there have been many advances in minimally invasive that allow us to do things we weren’t able to even a few years ago.”
When patients first meet Dr. Ani, many are surprised that he doesn’t recommend surgery right away.
“My job isn’t to do surgery but to get any patient who is suffering from back or neck pain back to living their lives as quickly as possible,” he said. “Sometimes surgery is the solution and sometimes it isn’t.”
In order to get patients back to functioning and living their lives, Dr. Ani said there has to be a partnership between him and his patient.
“For there to be a true partnership, we need to get to know each other,” Dr. Ani said. “This way we can build trust and they will understand that I have their best interests at heart and will do the best job for them.”
According to Dr. Ani, their road to recovery begins with the treatment plan.
“We will build a treatment plan together and then I will sit down with them to make sure they understand and are committed to it,” he said. “Commitment and communication are key to getting them back to living their lives as quickly as possible.”